Thursday, February 16, 2012

Missed a Day, so here you go!

A lot can happen over a weekend. I have always had trouble with my ears. I tell people about it, but they just dont really get it. I have tintus. It is constant ringin in my ear. I have had it for as long as I can remember. So I went to my E.N.T and they told me that there is no cure for it. I will just have to deal with it. They sent to get a hearing test. When I arrived for my test, a doctor that I have never met, informs me that she will be looking for a tumor. Well, you can expect my reaction. I was freaking out. I did not know what to think. I was so scared. To know that their may be a possible tumor in my tear was terrifying me. But everythign turned ou t well, I will just have to love with what I have. I am just lucky for what I do have.

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